Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Where does it go.....TIME??

Okay, so I am definitely NOT the best blogger.  I really had no idea it had been so long since I wrote something....and I was supposed to be doing this for me to remember?  Yeah, right!!

What's been going on for the last two months? much I can scarcely wrap my brain around it!

One thing I know I can say for sure, and that is God is moving in my life and in the life of my family!  We have recently joined a church, (when I say recent, I mean in the last few months) and when I say I am met by the Holy Spirit every time I walk through the doors, I mean it!  It doesn't matter what I am involved in, be it CLG (Christian Life Group...or Sunday School for us old time Baptist :) ), Worship service, choir practice, or just hanging out.  If the Word of God is being taught, read or spoken...God shows up.  It is beyond anything I could every describe with my mere words.  All I can recommend is if you are not in a church, find one, QUICKLY and do not be satisfied with mediocre Christianity! Find one where the whole church is determined to be different, to live in the world but not be OF the world.  If you ARE in a church, and you are not experiencing God, then be the one to change it!  Pray, like you never have before, on your face!  Beg God for a fire to ignite in the hearts of the people in your church and in the leadership!  God is only looking for one willing person, who is humble and is hungry for truth!  He WILL use you!

God is no longer someone we live for only on Sundays and Wednesday nights or in my own personal quiet time.  He is our EVERY moment!  From before my feet touch the floor, til I lay my head down at night! HE is who I am thinking of, talking to, telling my kids about, and who we are serving.  And can I say...I am LIBERATED!  I pray that the way I am now, only changes for the better.  I never want to go back to being a mediocre Christian!  It is not okay anymore!  Not for me, and not for my family!  I no longer want to read God's Word just to say I read it.  I want to read it and KNOW it...understand it!  I want to research it, dig in and hold on!  I pray that God will reveal Himself to me over and over like never before! 

For the first time this morning, the kids and I got down, together, on our hands and knees before God and we prayed!  If only I could have captured that moment in time.  How willing they were to do it, without question, without shame.  When I told them what we were going to do and why...they simply did it.  At that moment, in their innocence, I realized how blind I have been.  That is EXACTLY what God wants from me!  Willing, unquestionable, shameless faith!!  To fall on my face before Him simply because He is! 

If any of you get a chance, please visit my pastor's  He is an amazing writer!  He also is an amazing pastor!  He recently said something that has really resonated with me.  He is preaching on Wednesday nights about Islam and the differences between Islam and Christianity.  He made the statement that "Muslims pray 5 times a day!  They stop what they are doing, wherever they are, EVERY day...FIVE TIMES A DAY!  How many of us Christians do that?  How many of us spend 5 minutes in prayer a day?"  It just hit me, for God to be number one in my life, I cant just "say" He is number one....I have to LITERALLY make Him number one.  This will take a lot of work on my part, but I am ready and willing and with His help...I know it will happen!

So, I know this hasn't necessarily been a blog about the cute things the kids have done, but this is a moment in time I never want to forget.  A moment when I know God is changing me!  And please, don't let me mislead you...Satan is attacking like never before.  I am being bombarded with hurt and suffering and trials...but that is just all the more proof that God is moving! 

"Thank you Lord for saving my soul, thank you Lord for making me whole, thank you Lord for giving to me....thy Great SALVATION so rich and free"

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to me! I love you and I am so proud of how you are responding to God's call on your life:)
