Okay, so I like to blog about what God is doing in my life. For some reason, right now I think it is really important for me to write these things down so I never forget them. There have been so many seasons in my life when I needed spiritual reminding, and now I can get them. I can just read my blog and remember what God is doing!
For some reason the last couple of days, the subject of the trinity has really been on my heart. And not so much the trinity, as God the Father and God the Son. I have been reading in the OT for the last few weeks and as I blogged earlier this week, just really falling in love with the person of God. Well, where does that leave Jesus? Last night, I bought a new devotional book titled "90 Days with the One and Only" by Beth Moore. First of all, I am just a sucker for devotionals that ask you questions and give you room to write and offer opportunity to dig deeper. Secondly, I am a huge sucker for Beth Moore anything. That lady just has a hunger and heart for God's Word that is like no other.
Now, dont get all religious and like "I can't believe she is admitting this" when you read these next paragraphs, because I am just being honest. When I sat down and started reading the introduction, Mrs Moore was talking about how after I am done with this devotion, I will be totally in love with Jesus and He will be my best friend. Immediately after reading that my thought was, "Where does that leave God?" "I thought He was going to be my best friend" I just got really confused. I know they are supposed to be the same and they Bible clearly states that Jesus was fully God. But when I really sat down and thought about having Him/them as my best friend, I didn't know which one to chose. So, I did the practical thing....I prayed. I read. I talked and I listened. (for some of you this may be so simple, but for me, it was mind boggling)
Are the God of the OT and the Jesus of the NT the same person? Is God who was Abraham and David's best friend the same Jesus that was best friends with Mary and Martha and Lazarus? When I pray and I say, "Dear Heavenly Father..." and then end with "....in Jesus name Amen" am I praying to one God? Well, I know now without a doubt the answer to these questions are all "YES"!! He is the same God. And Jesus was God's son and yet fully God. While I may not be able to wrap my brain around how that is possible, I know that it is true! Wanna know how I know???
Because God says so!!! Don't you just love that? How many times do we tell our kids "Because I said so." And how many times do we say that because we know even if we explain it to them they will not understand. I honestly believe that is how it is with us in these earthly bodies and with our earthly minds. We are like little children that just cannot understand "why" but we know it is truth because HE says so! And He has never lied to us before!!
So, when I am learning about and falling in love with the God of the OT, it is the same Jesus who came and walked and lived and died for me in the NT. And when I am learning about and falling in love with the Jesus of the NT, it is the same God who created me and knew me before the foundation of the world. And while I may not understand how....I am just thankful that He is!
(and not to leave out the Holy Spirit, but that is just easier for me to get, but I wholeheartedly believe the Comforter, is also fully God (and Jesus) dwelling in spirit here with me now ;) )
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