So, I cant sleep....what's new?
First, it was because Parker Wayne was crying because we woudln't get him out of his bed, so he could sleep in ours. It's not that I mind him sleeping with us, it is just that he WONT sleep!! He just slaps us in the face, crawls from one end of the bed to the other, bangs his head on the wall and laughs, throws his passy just so he can say "uh oh", and so on and so on. Not to mention, he tries to nose dive off the bed every 10 minutes. So, tonight, we decided to let him cry it out. That only took a total of 2 hours....and he is still waking up momentarily only to notice he is STILL not in our bed, and cries for a few seconds til' he doses back off. It is actually quite pitiful. I understand more and more sometimes why the Asian people sleep on the floor....
The second reason I cant sleep...Today, (or should I say yesterday) was Sammy's birthday. The kids could not have picked a more perfect day to act their absolute worse. I think if I would have given them a gun, they would have shot each other. It was awful. I came very close to sending them to bed with no dinner. They both had a nap, had tv and ds taken away, had birthday cake/ice cream taken away, and had to lay in bed until dinner time. I think I decided to blog that, just so when it gets harry again, I can come back and read this and remember when it was REALLY bad!! :)
Sammy's birthday was good though. I love celebrating his birthday! He is just such a wonderful person and it is fun celebrating someone you love so much and that is so important to you. I love making him happy too and seeing him smile because of something I have done for him! He said tonight that if he was President, he would make every day his birthday!! (guess I did good :))
And the main reason sleep evades me tonight.......something amazing happened tonight....Sammy and I prayed together....and the fact that we prayed together is great, but it is what we prayed for that is amazing....we prayed for our country!!! We prayed for God to restore and heal our land!! We are clinging to the verse in II Chronicles 7:14.... and we are humbling our selves before God and begging Him to heal our country! We know He can do it! In the Bible, God is constantly just looking for person to make Him their one and person to cling to person to be His vessel!! Well, I want to be that one! I asked God tonight to reveal all the other gods in my life that I am putting before Him. I asked Him to convict me of all the sin in my life that is keeping me from being all I need to be for Him. I believe God for His promises and I want more than anything to be used by Him. Sammy said tonight, "I sometimes believe I was created for a bigger purpose than just this.....or is it that I WANT to be USED for a bigger purpose?"
Things are changing around us so fast. Our country is falling, just like Rome fell. Americans wholeheartedly take for granted the life they lead. We have NO idea what true suffering is, and unless we ALL humble ourselves and beg God to cleanse us and change us and mold us....we will all find out, soon enough.
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